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SET design


As our story established from the point of view of Louis observing this world in a distance, so we adopted the concept of a doll house look:

intimate but distant at the same time.

we want to make a school that's conceived by a kid's mind, it is a stage set up showing
the earnestness of a child.

New School

New School


little message from Louis' new shoolmates to welcome him

planet and stars (nod to the fact that Louis loves astrology as seen in the constellation scene)

warm yellow colors

rounded shapes inspired by animals such as the elephant

Wood, plastic and metal materials

Mind Palace

Mind Palace


handwritten by Louis, he used pencil to draw grids for his own handwritting becasue he is a careful kid

the most important things are circled out

the place he has been taking care of got winkles

it is the place where Louis feels truly comfortable with. Everything he prepares for school.Louis specifically organised them so everything has their functions and their places.

Louis under distress:

all items prioritised

all items 


his own handwritting got smudged away

with all the wear and tear, you can feel the place is used and tired, so as Louis.

Old School

Old School



the beginning of the day

repetitive, lazy for creative decoration


made of metal and wood, full of sharp angles, not very kid friendly

intimiating place:

  • windows are unproportionally large

  • ceiling are super high

everyone has to navigate the space through all the edges and narrow route.

those good old times when teachers just pop DVD during the class

biggest furniture: teacher's desk

all our scenes on the floor focusing on shoes with all the thin and sharp feet of the seats


people have to walk among like fences and barriers



the end of the day

the nature being framed as old decoration

tranditional concept and moral lessons


tEXTURING of props

What is "tactile" means to our film: 
the characters of  miniature toys

  1. simple form but clumsily exaggerated textures : Like a child perceive an objects, they won't see the mechanism of a pen, but just the shape.

  2. real life reference: classic stationary in primary school, so you know Louis is living among us have the same upbringing like us, so as his struggles are based on a real world, Yet his experience and vision that is so unique

  3. wear and tear: make it world believable, lived in, like it existed before the film begins and will persist after it ends

  4. everything is a bit plastic, glossy, acrylic painted by hand



Two very distinct places:

-The bench where Louis sits alone reading 

-The playground where the children play football​

Introduction of the tree,

very important for the rest of the film ...

use of the playground for its graphic side,

with the main lines and colored parts

The shape of the circle isolates Louis' shoolmates

The circle is the opposite of what attracts Louis because he prefers the squares

Top point of view

which takes us away from the scene

as we were from an omniscient point of view


Nightmare scenes

lost of orientation/recall of Louis' conflicts

1.Classroom started to  deconstruct

  • Visual representation of Louis losing his pivot of life -- his shoes

2.School now completely deformed

  • everything is upside down and no orientation

  • the board is full of the lecture of the school's class

  • repetition of the students' seats

3.tree and playground

  • the playground is deformed as a confined box

  • the organic form of the tree pose as an menace for Louis' structural character

  • as Louis always avoid looking into people's eyes, yet just like a lot of real life trees they have treeholes formed as human eyes on it, as if there are a lot of eyes looking at louis falls and louis can't avoid it anymore


special shout out ​to the funky trees here in Arles! of the others, with their silhouettes

  • we recalled the shoes of the others that Louis has been observing in the school, but none of them is his shoes

  • as he falls, the larger than life silhouette are indifferently surrounding him, no one can stop the fall.

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