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Lighting and Compositing are twins, they go hand in hands. Especially we have some very distinctive looks in different sequences of the film, about the different timeline, and both imaginative world and realistic experiences Louis had been through.
Overall since we observe this world as it is a social theater, we use the directional light to make it like a spot like on stage, everything is clearly staged.
As we told the story of the vision of a such special kid, 3D render with all its possibilities, this medium is actually the best way to show his vision.

warm yellow &
mustard and blue
Same color story but increase the intensity of the color through the development of the story.
We go back and fourth
during the process​ of rednering, compositing and
experiment on painting to create the atmosphere we want.
New School
New School
dominant colors: light and warm orange and turquoise blue
Summer lighting
Wharm lighting, collorful texture to create a welcoming place even if this place seems a little strange at first
Whale Theme to remind summer
start of the day with large shadows cast and very bright
a place where you want to go, where you feel good
(Old School)
Outdoor winter light
Large directional shadows,
aesthetic graphic thanks to the light
Dominant blue and desaturated appearance
Old School
Old School
classroom scene
it is the beginning of a memory
this world as it is a social theater:
directional light to make it a spot like on stage,
At the beginning of a day, so it is very soft cold sunlight, filling up the room, the triangle created a spot for louis
-the end of the day
The tone is warm but the redness - unsettling feeling
The end of the day, the shadow is more present , created a trap for louis. The tone is warm but the redness create an unsettling feeling. and everything is more exaggerated
​with the cool tone of artificial light from the hallway and led lamps.
shallow depth of field
filming in a miniature set from the pass:
exaggerated dust
atmospheric haze to created layers of the space
chromatic aberration
allow overexposure as the realistic photograph being developed
scratched texture of TV vignette
enhance the redness where the directionof light serves as a trap to Louis
tree silhouette with its unorganized form pose
llouis self composed characters and the structure of the school
compo breakdown
3.constellation sequence
we can take full advantage of all the possibilities of 3d render, this medium is actually the best way to show the vision of this special kid.
toneline + sheen shading = 2d but react the light and animated in a 3D way. the paper texture : stay in Louis' drawing paper,
3d space = immersive and realistic imagination of Louis
compo breakdown
Nightmare Scenes
create surrealism from the "reality"
the light is the start of the nightmares as if Lighting has its own characters.
according to our research and personal interviews,
light sensitivity is often brought up as an issue.
I think it can be a representation of Louis start to lose his pivot -- his shoes.
1.Classroom starts to deconstruct, darken the the room light, but enhance the directional light for the surrealism
flickering done in nuke and animated the lighting intensity in Nuke
lighting animation
compo breakdown
2.School completely deformed
everything is upside down but the light is still carrying on to lead Louis' fall
Mix the raw render with volumetric render in Arnold
lighting animation
compo breakdown
animating the lighting colour in Nuke, so as the rim light of Louis
3.tree and playground
the playground is deformed as a confined box,
the organic form of the tree pose as an menace
but the light is still carrying on to lead Louis' fall
tree holes formed as human eyes on it, as if there are a lot of eyes looking at louis' fall that he can't avoid eye contact
lighting animation
compo breakdown
use the volumetrix fog to transite to this scene
intensify the specular pass to enhance the eye reflects on trees
mix the spec pass of the eyest on tree to create the transition for the next scene of the others, with their silhouettes
lighting animation
compo breakdown
compo the volumetric fog over the matte body of school characters​, animated in Nuke
toneline + sheen shading = 2d but react the light and animated in a 3D way.
the paper texture : stay in Louis' drawing paper,
3d space = immersive and realistic imagination of Louis
compo breakdown
BG done in after effect
Constellations links animated in aftereffect
animated glow and paper texture in nuke
mix specular pass and sheen pass to drive the opacity texture on constellation objects
then we show what is shown in paper of Louis'notebook can really be our credit design:
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